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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Lifter's Guide To Marijuana


Here's what you need to know...

  1. Cannabis hinders gym and sports performance in every way, from reaction

Your Diet Isn't Building Any Muscle

Your uber-healthy or trendy diet couldn't pack pounds on a Pomeranian. Here's why.

Listen, you know that super popular diet you're following, the one that everyone online can't stop buzzing about?
It's not working for you.
I know it's healthy. It may even be easy to follow, or make you feel intellectually superior to those luddites still eating the way we did back in the dark ages (a.k.a. the '90's).
But it's obviously failing you miserably where it matters most: accomplishing your goal, which was supposedly to get big and strong.
Ah yes, the goal. As T Nation grand scholar Dan John says, the goal should always be to keep the goal the goal. But sometimes it seems, the more we learn, the more elusive the goal becomes.
Because that's the curious thing about information, even good information – too

The Problem with Your Stupid Diet


Almost all diets work at first, but the lackluster results and neuroticism that

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

8 Gym Benchmarks Everyone Can Achieve

You might be strong in one or two lifts, but are you up to the same standard in these 8 classic moves? If not, make these your next goals!
Plenty of us tell ourselves, "I'm not the competitive type," but once we get fairly serious about any activity, that statement transforms into a question: "So,

Tip: Unlock New Gains


Get Intense, But Be Smart About

Training intensity is a major key to unlocking new gains. But many lifters

Mag-10 Cheat Fast Faster Muscle Gains, Easier Fat Loss in Just One Day

Cheat Pizza

Here's what you need to know...

  1. Getting the body trending toward a lean, muscular look does not involve

The Simple Way To Make Leg Curls More Effective

Conventional gym wisdom may have told you to do this lower-body staple one way, but it may be wrong. Drop the weight, slow down, and get ready to grow!

You've been told that the hamstrings are predominantly fast-twitch fibers, so
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